Sunday, April 14, 2013

Down to Business

So...I haven't blogged in nearly two weeks and I have to say I'm pretty ashamed. Working full time and starting up my own jewelry line on the side just isn't as easy and you'd think! 

I designed jewelry and sold it on Etsy last year for a side income. It was so successful and I actually had people contact me asking if they could sell my line in their shops! I was flattered but didn't have the time or the funds to start my business full-time, even though I wanted to go to college for jewelry design. I politely declined them and made a piece here and there until my full-time job, moving, and awful roommates eventually won my complete attention. I tried not to think about the opportunity I had given away. 

But maybe it just wasn't the right time. It's hard to believe but in just a year's time, I have grown more responsible and mature. Saving money used to be a hard task for me and now it comes pretty naturally. I decided as my New Year's resolution of 2013 that I would make this my year. I would do something I've always wanted to do and be successful at it.

After hours of studying techniques and endless sketches, I have decided to start my own line once and for all. I'm not going to sell on Etsy this time but instead, market wholesale to boutiques. After all, I've had them biting my hook before when I didn't even realize I was fishing.

So if you're wondering if I'm deliberately neglecting my blog, the answer is no. I'm just trying to make my dreams of owning my own business a reality while also supporting myself and the startup costs with a full-time job. Not ideal but sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do. Stay tuned for more info on my jewelry line within the next few weeks! Officially launching for Summer 2013!


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