Sunday, April 14, 2013

Down to Business

So...I haven't blogged in nearly two weeks and I have to say I'm pretty ashamed. Working full time and starting up my own jewelry line on the side just isn't as easy and you'd think! 

I designed jewelry and sold it on Etsy last year for a side income. It was so successful and I actually had people contact me asking if they could sell my line in their shops! I was flattered but didn't have the time or the funds to start my business full-time, even though I wanted to go to college for jewelry design. I politely declined them and made a piece here and there until my full-time job, moving, and awful roommates eventually won my complete attention. I tried not to think about the opportunity I had given away. 

But maybe it just wasn't the right time. It's hard to believe but in just a year's time, I have grown more responsible and mature. Saving money used to be a hard task for me and now it comes pretty naturally. I decided as my New Year's resolution of 2013 that I would make this my year. I would do something I've always wanted to do and be successful at it.

After hours of studying techniques and endless sketches, I have decided to start my own line once and for all. I'm not going to sell on Etsy this time but instead, market wholesale to boutiques. After all, I've had them biting my hook before when I didn't even realize I was fishing.

So if you're wondering if I'm deliberately neglecting my blog, the answer is no. I'm just trying to make my dreams of owning my own business a reality while also supporting myself and the startup costs with a full-time job. Not ideal but sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do. Stay tuned for more info on my jewelry line within the next few weeks! Officially launching for Summer 2013!


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

I grew up in a small town in South Carolina. No one does Easter outfits better than southern women, and I can testify to that. We like color, we like print, and we like high heels. Add pearls and curls and you've got yourself a dressed up southern woman. For the first time, I was unable to travel back to SC for Easter with my family and since I don't have a church home here in Nashville, I had to make my Easter outfit a little less obnoxious than I would have liked. Here is my casual version of the Southern Easter outfit:

Aqua peplum top: $17 from Knowstyle in Augusta, GA
Free People white skinny jeans: $29 on sale compared to $88 at Belk in Franklin, TN
Nine West coral heels: $39.99 compared to $89 at T.J. Maxx
Coral necklace: $5 from Plato's Closet/Whitebridge Pike in Nashville, TN
Multi-colored chevron purse: $8 from Plato's Closet/Cool Springs in Franklin, TN
My usual David Yurman and Charles Garnier bracelets and vintage rings

Photos courtesy of ARuelas Photography

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Easter Weekend

It's Easter weekend and I consider this holiday the most fashionable of them all. Of course that's not what it's about but it doesn't hurt to test the waters with some fashion-forward pieces anyway, right?

How great is this lace dress? I found this beauty hidden away at a local Plato's Closet. When I saw the $8 price tag, I knew it was mine, whether it fit or not. It doesn't have a label in it and it's kind of itchy but I thought for a photoshoot, why not! It is a skater-style dress, all lace, with sheer sleeves and a pleated skirt. The hem is purposefully uneven and I love the chunky black fabric that peeps from underneath and makes it flare out.
This rhinestone collar necklace was on sale at T.J. Maxx for $16. It still had the price tag on it for $59! I love it because I can wear it to dress up a t-shirt or with a fancy dress like this.
I'm not used to wearing anything backless but I have to say that I'm not hating it!

I featured these shoes in my Look Expensive, Don't Pay the Price post and I am still madly in love. Nine West heels for $16? Yes, please!

Photos courtesy of ARuelas Photography

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Coconut Oil, The Miracle Worker

If you know me, even the slightest little bit, you know of my obsession with coconut oil. I use it for everything from medicine, to deep conditioning treatments, to lotion, to cooking oil, to an energy and immune booster, to soap. If you tell me you have any kind of ailment, I'm going to ask you first and foremost if you tried coconut oil as a remedy. It is literally that amazing, and it changed my life. Make sure you use only unrefined coconut oil. Any other kind has been pressed and all the nutrients that make it so amazing are no longer in it. You need those nutrients! C.O. usually comes in a jar and is in a solid state at room temperature. Don't let that fool you though, once you scoop some out into your hand, it starts to melt. It is also a high heat resistant oil and considered the healthiest cooking oil; it makes incredibly juicy baked chicken!

Here are just a few other ways you can use coconut oil:
  • Wrinkle reducer and preventer
  • Leave-in treatment for dry hair
  • For any kind of mouth sores, including strep throat!
  • Add to coffee, tea, smoothies, and other blended beverages for flavor, an energy boost, or for a healthy immune system
  • To kill plaque in the mouth
  • To greatly diminish cellulite (supposed to be the best way!)
  • It is said that it improves metabolism
  • Moisturizer
  • Makeup remover
  • Sunscreen
  • Stretch mark cream
  • For almost any type of skin irritation
  • Itch relief
  • In place of GooGone
  • Sore muscle reliever
  • Replacement for butter
  • For migraines
  • Controlling cravings

Those are just a few of the incredible things coconut oil can do. There are lists way longer than mine that go into detail. Check out!

Have you ever wondered how Victoria's Secret models always look so flawless. Sure they have trainers to workout efficiently and the best hair and makeup artists to always make them look fabulous, but in an interview with Cosmo magazine, Miranda Kerr contributed her luscious locks and healthy body to none other than my beloved coconut oil. She swears by it. She's not the only one though. Many other models recently came out C.O.'s closet to reveal that they too swear by this stuff.
So is it all just hype? As a 5'1" average girl who sees the inside of a gym maybe once a week, eats dark chocolate compulsively because she tells herself it's healthy, and isn't being paid for any of this testimony...yes it is. I used to have a really weak immune system and would get the weirdest illnesses what seemed like constantly. But I can honestly say that my body is healthier and I feel better all around since I started incorporating it into my daily routine. Give it a test run to see for yourself. What have you got to lose?


For everyone's questions regarding how to use it as a deep treatment, here's the best way:

Put it on your completely dry hair about 30 minutes before getting in the shower. I personally coat my hair from roots to ends and massage it into my scalp. Wash and condition as normal, but you may need to shampoo twice depending on your hair. After you blowdry and style, add a tiny amount from mid-shaft to the ends for extra frizz control and shine. It gets rid of dandruff and some claim that it makes your hair grow faster, in addition to deep conditioning!

***Never put coconut oil on wet hair. Remember, oil and water don't mix and your hair will end up greasy and it will take forever to wash out!***
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Unbelievable Hair Products

As a 'Thriftinista,' I apply my budgeting and saving skills toward every purchase, not just clothing. I'm always searching for the best beauty products for the least amount of money and through this search I have found my absolute, cannot-live-without products. I constantly have people asking me about my hair and makeup and what products I use. You'll be surprised to find out what they actually are.

First and foremost, my favorite product in the entire world, is unrefined coconut oil. I use it for everything from cooking to skincare to deep conditioner to medicine. And yes, it is that amazing and it absolutely does work. (I'll dedicate a whole post tomorrow on all the things it's good for and how to use it.) I first realized its miracle properties when I was desperate for anything that would make my over-processed blonde hair feel less like hay in a field and more like luscious, soft hair that moved on its own. I use coconut oil as a deep conditioner before I shower and as a leave-in after I style my hair to make it shiny and super soft. It's about $6 at a grocery store for a massive container.
If I could only have one product the rest of my life, I would choose this miracle in a jar.

My second go-to product is actually 2 products together. After realizing how harsh man-made shampoo is on my tender hair, I chose to go the natural route. I picked up some Jason Restorative Biotin Pure Natural shampoo and conditioner and haven't looked back since. I found this in the organic care section of Publix for $8 each. All plant-based, no sulfates or other bad chemicals, and smells amazing. This stuff, in conjunction with the coconut oil, has made my hair healthier than ever, even though it is highlighted nearly platinum blonde. I have celebrity hair stylists comment on my hair all the time and I have this habit of always telling people my secrets. So if Carrie Underwood starts using coconut oil and telling people, I'm taking the credit...just sayin'

My last great hair essential is not actually a product but a tool. I'm including this because it has changed the way I style my hair for the better. I have naturally curly hair. Not cute little ringlets though. I'm talking part wavy, part curly, cowlicks all over, frizzy if you touch it, frizzy if you don't, one drop of water and it's a helmet of fuzz, crazy curly hair. It surprises hair stylists and they are usually at a loss for words when trying to brush it and blow dry at the same time. I found a tool that blowdries while styling so that I don't even have to straighten my hair afterwards. It makes it so shiny and bouncy that people actually accuse me of using hot rollers every day! Would you believe this miracle tool is only $17 and made by Conair, a brand most commonly found at Wal-Mart!? I couldn't believe it, best purchase this far. I can't say enough good things about this. I saw one that does the same thing at Sally's for $60. If you have unruly lion's mane hair that won't tame with blowdrying alone, try this. It's called the Conair Hot Air Brush.

And there you have it, the only things I use on my hair and all SO affordable and convenient; all of them can be found at your local stores! I used to be a product junkie, spending money on things that I would use once or twice then throw out because it didn't work. I don't have to worry anymore as long as I have these items and I have never felt better about my hair...or saved so much money on hair products!

Have you tried any of these things? Do you like them as much as I do? Let me know!


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Monday, March 18, 2013

Black on Black on Black

They say wearing black is slimming and although I can't disagree, I like wearing black for other reasons too. It's so versatile, so chic, so elegant yet edgy.


My best friend had to wear an all black outfit to a job shadow a few days ago. We went shopping for his outfit and I realized that although he and I both knew how to layer the blacks properly, not everyone else does. So how do you wear black on black on black and avoid looking like a waiter at a restaurant you ask? Here's how:

It's all about the mix of textures, the types of fabrics, and sometimes adding just the right accessories.

For example, wear slimming pants with a loose semi-sheer top and black cowboy boots. Or flowy pants with a fitted shirt tucked in and heels. Avoid wearing fabrics that are too similar. Always try to wear funky shoes. (Avoid flats or plain-jane maryjanes) Add a long necklace, a cool metal belt, large earrings.

I'm going to a concert tonight and chose to wear all black!


Applying these tips will immediately take you from waitress to fashion designer chic!
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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Life of a Stylist- Jos A Bank

I had the great honor of wardrobe styling for one of the most noted men's clothing stores, Jos. A Bank, a couple months ago for their spring promotions. Although the 15-16 hour days were long and my feet were swollen by the end of the 3 day shoot, it was so worth it. Such a professional company and the representatives and models were all so kind. I love getting to know the production companies I work with as we all work toward a common goal and applaud ourselves at the end. The free catered lunches and all-you-can-eat snacks aren't so bad either ;)

We shot commercials, editorials, and so much more in that small time frame but here are some of the commercials we did!

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